Transformational leadership scholarly articles. 1108/LHS-06-2021-0051 [Google Scholar] 16.
Transformational leadership scholarly articles. Oct 18, 2021 · Berssaneti et al.
Transformational leadership scholarly articles 005. Our review suggests that these newer leadership models add little incremental validity beyond transfor-mational leadership in predicting various leadership outcomes. 10. 0 rev 5 (www. , transactional leaders) and those who led by inspiring followers to aim for and achieve ambitious goals (i. , Keller R. May 7, 2024 · The Five Characteristics of Transformational Leadership are a blueprint for leadership and career success that can be adapted and applied in various situations. Robbins B, Davidhizar R. PMID: 34767323. , 2018). These journals a In the realm of academic research, peer-reviewed journal articles play a crucial role in establishing the credibility and validity of scholarly work. 11 – 13 A few studies suggested that managers could mitigate employee’s job stress and burnout by transformational leadership. Transformational leadership and knowledge sharing: mediating roles of employee’s empowerment, commitment, and citizenship behaviors. The transformational leadership theory introduced by Burns (1978) enables teams to help each other reach a higher level of motivation by changing external circumstances. 1016/j. , transactional leadership style is believed to have a better impact on the job satisfaction of nurses’ than transformational leadership. . 5 uuid:f18301c5-ac39-11b2-0a00-782dad000000 uuid:f183aef9-ac39-11b2-0a00-50a6618efd7f application/pdf Advantages and Barriers to Transformational Leadership Implementation in a Scientific Laboratory Prince 9. Users can utilize similar techniques In today’s digital age, accessing scholarly articles has never been easier. This urges nursing leaders to adapt and master effective leadership; particularly, transformational leadership (TFL) is shown to scientifically be the most successfully recognized leadership style in healthcare, focusing on relationship building while putting followers in power and emphasizing values and vision. Jan 22, 2024 · Leadership Styles and Organizational Performance: Examining the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Engagement and Business Success January 2024 DOI: 10. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership Volume 10 Issue 2 Summer/Fall 2017 Article 7 July 2017 Transformational Leadership: Building an Effective Culture to Manage Organisational Knowledge Mostafa Sayyadi Ghasabeh Australian Institute of Management, Sydney, mostafasayyadi1@gmail. His quotes encapsulate powerful principles that can inspire and g In the world of academia, scholarly communication plays a crucial role in the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of research. Adm Policy Ment Hlth 2003; 30(2): 97–108. Mar 22, 2023 · Entrepreneurship represents a key motor of economic growth, and entrepreneurial leadership (EL) represents a vital constituent thereof. Apr 27, 2021 · In the article entitled The Power of Transformational Leadership , the author lists the following five things that one must do to become a transformational leader: listen, communicate, care, be collegial, and engage. 22; p < 0. Another significant advantage of these training programs In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, effective leadership is crucial for fostering positive change and improving student outcomes. These articles serve as the building blocks of knowledge and are essential In today’s fast-paced business environment, the demand for strong leadership and effective management is higher than ever. 116) > 0. Gumusluouglu and Ilsev (2009) claimed transformational leadership to be a successful determinant of organizational innovation. , 2014), that organizational training initiatives should encompass and mitigate other leader behaviors, such as AS Aug 5, 2020 · Transformational leadership is measured using the Global Transformational Leadership (GTL) scale (Carless, Wearing, & Mann, 2000, p. efficiency of transformational leadership’s each aspect in increasing teacher well-being can be interesting to study in the future. %PDF-1. Sense making is used to renew leadership concepts Curado C, Santos R. , Arnold et al. This comprehensive review aims to synthesize existing research In regard to effective and transformational leadership, based on the Big Five model of personality factors, Lim Leung and Bozionelos concluded that extroversion was the trait most associated with the prototypical notion of an effective leader and, in turn, linked to transformational leadership traits. g. Keywords: Education Job satisfaction Systematic review Teacher well-being Transformational leadership This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. , Den Hartog D. , G. Jun 1, 1999 · Many writers have described the positive aspects of the new theories, but few have examined the conceptual weaknesses. Transformational leadership and the dissemination of organizational goals: a case study of a telecommunication firm. This contains 20 questions that the portion of inspirational motivation, intellectual Abstract. Jun 11, 2019 · Focusing on the transformational leadership theory as the theoretical underpinning, this study investigates the factors that enhance innovation among administrative staff in an HEI. This paper provides the first meta-analytic examination of the relationship between leadership and followers' intrinsic motivation. Jan 22, 2020 · Because inclusive leadership focuses both on stimulating and valuing distinctiveness and ensuring belongingness of team members, it is distinct from other leadership styles such as transformational and authentic leadership (Chrobot-Mason et al. Dec 9, 2020 · The aim of this research was to study the effect of transformational leadership on employees’ work outcomes which include their work performances and working burnout, and their working behavior such as social loafing at workplace. Accepted Abstract. EL is claimed by some as representing a construct distinct from extant leadership styles, even though the major contribution made by In the institutional context, transformational leadership (TL) is known as a relational leadership that helps healthcare organizations to overcome APOs . 034) were found to be significant contributors to the variance of organizational readiness for change among health professionals, according to the findings. Organizational citizenship behavior/performance is described as non-obligatory, voluntary behavior by an employee, which exceeds the employee’s normal work duties and is not associated with any type of organizational reward system (Organ, 1990). Apr 5, 2022 · Transformational leadership provides a positive result to employee job performance (Khan and Khan, 2019), as transactional leadership looks too weak commitment of employee and their satisfaction (Cho et al. , Sacramento C. []The growing use of bibliometric analysis in academic research is driven by advancements in bibliometric tools, enhanced scientific databases, and its applicability to fields like computer science and business. Leadership workshops provide a structured setting for individuals to enhance their leade In the ever-evolving landscape of the nonprofit sector, effective leadership is crucial for driving impact and achieving mission objectives. The relative size of each theme circle is the boundary for clustered concepts; warm colors (red, orange) indicate the most important themes and cool colors (blue, green) denote less important themes. Transformational leadership is positively associated with leadership effectiveness, for instance, job satisfaction, motivation, and performance of followers. However, its examination remains factious, and integration with the wider leadership literature is fragmentary. First, we examine the mediating role of commitment to change in the relationship between transformational leadership and followers’ innovative behavior, using both objective and subjective measures. The data are presented Dec 8, 2024 · This study employs bibliometric analysis to investigate trends in transformational leadership, as noted by Donthu et al. [Google Scholar] Hildenbrand K. For example, leaders exhibiting more transformational leadership behaviors—as well as their followers—have been found to be more central in advice and influence networks (Bono & Anderson, 2005). 581) < T table (1. Transformational leadership in a project-based environment: a comparative study of the leadership styles of project managers and line managers. , 2012; Para-González et al. [Google Scholar] 51. pointed out that project success depends on many factors, including leadership ability, leadership style, and leadership skills of the project manager. Managers play a key role in realizing a humane organization of work. In particular, we examined 6 leadership variables (transformational, ethical, leader-member exchange, servant, empowering, and abusive supervision) using data from 50 independent samples and 21,873 participants. Established in 1880, this Dutch publishing company has played a pivotal role in advancing the dissemin In the world of academia, academic journal articles are considered the gold standard for scholarly research. As shown in Table 2, authentic leadership’s total effect on individual performance is statistically significant (non-standardized coefficient [B] = 0. Previous reviews on AP found that transformational and self-leadership had had a positive influence on job adaptivity, while the Based on the test results in Table 8, the independent variable Transformational Leadership (TL) has a value of T count (1. In order to explore the phenomenon, a mixed method of collecting and analysing data was followed. This limitation rests on specifying behaviors as Dec 6, 2018 · Transformational leadership, generally considered as a desirable leadership style, has positive effects on various performance outcomes of employees; however, its productivity has been called into question because of a relative neglect of its negative aspects. Namely, transformational leadership does not fulfill all individuals’ needs equally. This study aims to underscore the importance of transformational leadership and its various dimensions, focusing on its impact on job satisfaction and personal mastery among This is in line with the results reported by Wilkes et al. One common assignment that tests these skills is the arti In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, the demand for effective leadership has never been more essential. These articles are subject to Scholarly journals play a pivotal role in the world of academia and research. One platform that has revolutionized the way researchers access scholarly articles is SpringerLin Scholarly journals play a crucial role in academic research, providing valuable insights, current information, and a platform for scholars to share their findings. However, many researchers a. Given the important role of change capability for organizational development and competitive advantage, the purpose of this study is to clarify the influences of transformational leadership (TL) on organizational change capability (OCC) via mediating roles of two specific aspects of trust in leadership namely disclosure-based trust and reliance-based trust. Oct 4, 2018 · transformational leadership elicits positive affective states in followers, is perceived as more just, and facilitates the development of trust (for a review, see Van Knippenberg & Sitkin , 2013). Leadersh. This review presents a synthesis of 15 studies performed between 2012 to 2022. 978) and value of p (0. In the Islamic community, an ustaz plays a crucial role in guiding and educating individuals on matters concerning religion, spirituality, and morality. Gone are the days when individuals had to rely solely on physical books and libraries for knowledg In the world of academia, scholarly research articles play a crucial role in shaping academic discourse. Transformational leadership aims to identify and examine leadership behaviors that strengthen employees’ awareness of the importance and values of task outcomes by articulating a vision for the future, providing a realistic action plan, and giving individualized support. 4. J. Oct 13, 2022 · To do so, we briefly review major leadership models, highlight evidence for empirical redundancy between new leadership models and transformational leadership, and discuss meta-analytic findings between transformational leadership and outcomes of leadership. Nonprofit organizations face unique cha Executive leadership programs are designed to empower current and aspiring leaders with the necessary skills, insights, and tools to navigate the complexities of modern business en In the fast-paced world of business, effective leadership is more crucial than ever. Further analysis, using leader ratings by one subordinate and outcome ratings by a second subordinate, largely confirms this augmentation effect. Scholarly databases provide a wealth of information, allowing researchers to explore a In the digital age, academic research has become more accessible than ever before. 1%), respectively. , 2017) and research on destructive leadership (Skogstad et al. leadership models and transformational leadership, and discuss meta-analytic findings between transformational leadership and outcomes of leadership. A systematic narrative review identified twenty articles on leadership and work engagement and showed that work engagement is positively associated with various person-centered leadership styles. (1990); German form: Heinitz and Rowold (2007). Edu. The most pervasively used framework was transformational leadership, whereas authentic, ethical, and charismatic leadership was used much less. Transformational leadership as a mediator between emotional intelligence and team outcomes. The downside of transformational leadership is that it focuses more on the followers output than on the output of the entire organization. Oct 18, 2021 · Berssaneti et al. Accepted: Hypothesis 1b: Transactional leadership will be positively related to project success. By adopting a transformational leadership approach within clinical environments, there is a potential to boost nurses’ job satisfaction. Transformational leadership in health care today. These characteristics are more than just skills; they are the guiding principles that can shape managers' leadership journey, enabling them to leave a lasting and significant imprint in May 23, 2023 · The purpose of this review is to examine transformational school leadership, responding to the question: ‘What is the research evidence in the international literature pertaining to the impact of transformational school leadership in primary schools on school staff and school culture?’. In fact, this paper contributes to the annotation of the literature in this particular field through a selective bibliography, aiming to cover the main contributors to the development of this topic and Avolio 47 considered all leadership styles important but stated an organization may benefit from recognizing that transformational and transactional leadership styles could be more effective than passive avoidant leadership style. This is where transformative executive coaching services come into p Are you tired of hitting paywalls every time you try to access academic research articles? Look no further than JSTOR’s free article collection. Transformational leadership and burnout: the role of thriving and followers’ openness to experience. 6%) studies, while those with a transformational leadership style were examined in five studies (23. One category of hospitals’ leadership style: -Transformational leadership style. Transformational Leadership style (transformational leadership scale) Job satisfaction (The Kuopio University Hospital Job Mar 16, 2022 · Purpose. The results also suggest that men and women Feb 3, 2022 · Specifically, we propose that transformational leadership motivates university teachers’ job involvement due to its positive effect on psychological safety, and this relationship will be influenced by individual’s personality (Do & Minbashian, 2020). , 2019), our research contributes to the field by providing a better understanding of the impact of the four transformational leadership dimensions on organisational culture and Nov 9, 2021 · The results are consistent with the studies: each dimension of transformational leadership significantly contributes to the actual performance of the academic educational institutions because all dimensions have motivational and cognitive abilities which are considered necessary for the development and assessment of academic performance (Al Dec 21, 2021 · Although leadership development typically focuses on increasing transformational behaviors, our findings show, as have other pattern-based studies (e. However, transformational leadership behavior style appears to make a Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in the Arab educational system in Israel: the impact of trust and job satisfaction. 05, so H1 “Transformational Leadership has a significant effect on employee performance” is rejected. 1 that although the exponential increase in transformational leadership has subsided, there have still been hundreds of articles on transformational leadership published since 2014. There was disconfirmation for the effect on reported extra effort, suggesting that the relation of transformational leadership to subordinate's extra effort is a dyadic rather than a group effect. , 2022; García-Morales et al. Leadersh Health Serv. , 2018; Ur Rehman et al. However, only a few types of research has explored the ways that leadership effects the behavior of the employees and successive implications about the safety consequences of the patients [ 14 Nov 28, 2018 · To determine followers’ perceptions of their leaders’ transformational leadership behavior, we used the Transformational Leadership Inventory by Podsakoff et al. The purpose of this article is to make a critical evaluation of the most widely known theories of transformational and charismatic leadership Bass 1985, Bass 1996, Conger & Kanungo 1998, House 1977, Shamir et al. , Binnewies C. where 30 nursing deans from three countries (Canada, Australia and England) reported healthy workplace culture by exhibiting different ranges of transformational leadership styles, suggesting that transformational leadership may be an effective leadership style among academic nursing deans. A. The theory was developed to analyze the foundation of all previous leadership theories, such as transformational, [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 4. 44, 380–396. , 2011) and motivation over transactional leadership. Apr 29, 2020 · The updated Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards of proficiency for nurses emphasise the importance of nurse leadership, while the NHS has also developed models to support leadership development. Nov 18, 2024 · Background: Transformational leadership fosters trusting relationships; new visions; and personal, professional, and cultural growth. In this artic In the world of academic publishing, Elsevier has long been a prominent name. Hur Y, van den Berg PT, Wilderom CPM. Jung, Chow and Wu (2003) esta-blished positive effect of transformational leadership on firm’s innovation. May 13, 2020 · If one of the main roles for leadership development initiatives is to renew the leadership concept, because they shape how organizational members perceive, act and evaluate leadership (Probert and Turnbull James, 2011), then leadership interventions need to influence the leadership concepts. Addressing this gap, an attempt at rethinking the relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance is Mar 19, 2019 · The earliest empirical work on transformational leadership usually portrayed this form of leadership as positive, moral, and value-based. Jan 6, 2020 · Through four behaviors (i. T. 389), which contains items about communication of a clear and positive vision, support for staff development, encouragement of staff, fostering of trust, involvement and cooperation, encouragement of thinking Model of the study. Conclusion. Transformational and transactional leadership span both cultural and organizational boundaries ( 15 ) and have been assessed and validated in numerous studies ( 16 – 26 ). com highly correlated with transformational leadership (Judge & Piccolo, 2004) and might influence members’ task perfor-mance and helping behavior (G. In the late 18th century, George Washington set crucial In recent years, the landscape of education has undergone a significant transformation, driven largely by technological advancements. Keegan A. Hypothesis 1: Transformational leadership, job resources and work engagement are positively related to patient safety culture, while job demand is negatively related to patient safety culture. Leadership coaching has emerged as a pivotal tool for organizations looking to enhance t In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization. Whether you’re a seasoned manager or an aspiring leader, enrolling in a leadership managem In the world of academia, staying up-to-date with the latest research and scholarly articles is essential for any serious scholar. Business leadership training programs have gained popularity as a m In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective leadership is more crucial than ever. Effective leaders support their team’s motivational growth and organizational goals. 8%). May 24, 2023 · Distributed leadership has caught the attention of researchers, policy-makers practitioners and educational reformers (Spillane, 2006; Harris, 2008; Leithwood et al. com Michael J. Multiple mediation analysis revealed that these goal attributes transmit the effect of transformational leadership on followers’ job attitudes and proactive behavior. First, principals’ transformational leadership behaviours are more prevalent in national contexts that are restructuring. 1993. Journal of Applied Psychology , 78, 891-902. Transformational leadership in medical practice: Capturing and influencing principles driven work. Abstract. 2004;15(5):625–646. Transformational leadership and the mental health team. AP is essential for job performance, especially in environments undergoing rapid changes. Since its inception in the 1980s, empirical studies have identified benefits of implementing the Magnet ® Model involving improved patient care and nursing workforce out Jun 18, 2022 · Today transformational leadership is credited with the best available leadership style to manage change since it is engaging and inclusive and focuses on leaders sharing their vision with their followers. E. 00) and transactional leadership behavior (t = 2. 32, P = . , 2014; Randel et al. Occup. ijproman. 14, 15 Some scholars have found that transformational Oct 1, 2015 · An emerging stream of literature has begun to investigate the relationships between leadership and social capital (e. Transformational leadership has surfaced as one of the most important leadership styles that foster higher levels of commitment in employees . Jan 1, 2016 · The introduction of transformational leadership generally is credited to James MacGregor Burns who used the term to distinguish between those who led through the exchange of performance for rewards (i. 7 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj > endobj 2 0 obj >stream 2019-08-14T00:26:14-07:00 2019-08-14T00:26:14-07:00 2019-08-14T00:26:14-07:00 Appligent AppendPDF Pro 5. The transformational and the transactional leadership styles were the most frequently evaluated, appearing in 75% and 67% of the studies Berson Y, Avolio BJ. However, finding relevant In the fast-paced digital age, scholarly article searches have become an essential tool for researchers, academics, and students alike. These resources not only save you money but also enh In today’s information age, where knowledge is readily accessible through the internet, it can be challenging for students and professionals to discern reliable sources of informat In today’s digital age, access to information has become easier than ever before. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is Scopus The history of ancient empires is often defined by the legacies of their leaders, and among these figures, Cyrus the Great stands out as a transformational ruler. Article Google Scholar . Taken together, our findings suggest that organisations Aug 18, 2016 · Transformational leadership is a leadership theory that has the goal of changing into a leadership theory that can be implemented by school principals in solving problems related to teacher work Apr 1, 2023 · Within a hierarchically organised team, leaders influence, train, and guide followers through change (Bass, 1999). Interventions with a transactional leadership style were examined in six (28. A company’s managers play a critical In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective leadership is more crucial than ever. However, goal importance and goal attainability seem to be of differential importance for the different outcomes. If the journal or paper is published by a scholarly source, it is Choosing a leadership summer camp for your child can be a transformative experience that shapes their future. Transformat … Khan et al. Transformational leadership is a positive form of leadership developed by Burns in 1978 as an ongoing process where “leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation beyond self-interest to Aug 1, 2023 · Transformational leadership is a prominent leadership style known for its positive impact on employee engagement and performance. Oct 10, 2018 · Izhak Berkovich examines what he describes as three common conceptions about transformational leadership. With the advent of technology, traditional In the digital age, access to reliable and comprehensive scholarly resources is crucial for academics and researchers. This study elucidates the moderated-mediated role of transformational leadership (TL) in engendering innovative behaviors among employees (EIBs) while considering perceived self-efficacy (PSE) and perceived stress (PS) as the two mediators and perceived organizational support (POS) as the critical moderating contingency. Articles which analyzed servant and charismatic leadership styles were nine (42. , Balkundi & Kilduff, 2005). 5281/zenodo. (2006) state that project managers using a transformational leadership style enhance team cooperation and reliability, they encourage the team to participate in discussions and opinion building, and they also encourage the progress of self-organization and leadership abilities in following team members (Khan, Malik, & Saleem, 2020). Passive avoidant leadership style causes the leader to avoid any responsibility related to the health and well Oct 18, 2024 · This research presents a comprehensive review and meta-analysis of literature to examine the impact of various leadership styles on organizational adaptive performance (AP). These articles are written by experts in specific fields and go through a rigorous peer-review pr In the digital age, researchers and academics rely heavily on scholarly articles to stay updated with the latest advancements in their respective fields. , transformational leaders). 1108/LHS-06-2021-0051 [Google Scholar] 16. Aspiring leaders seek out opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge through le In today’s fast-paced educational landscape, aspiring leaders and seasoned professionals alike are turning to online courses in educational leadership. Aug 27, 2024 · One criticism of transformational leadership is that the leader can abuse it for destructive purposes and self-interests, at which point it might be deemed pseudo-transformational leadership (Bailey & Axelrod, 2001; Christie et al. Admin. Jun 29, 2022 · A systematic narrative review identified twenty articles on leadership and work engagement and showed that work engagement is positively associated with various person-centered leadership styles. For students, researchers, and anyone interested in academic work, finding quality resources is essentia In the digital age, accessing scholarly articles has become easier than ever before. 001), indicating that direct supervisors’ adoption of a stronger authentic leadership style increases Oct 1, 2020 · The findings show that transformational leadership is a key solution that fits the needs of companies finding themselves having not only to strive to survive, but to flourish in this fast-paced Feb 1, 2020 · Leadership is a critical component that influences the work environment and the way employees perceive their work (Christian, Garza, & Slaughter, 2011). Our results Jan 16, 2025 · The aim of this paper is to fill the identified gap in the literature regarding a holistic approach to the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and transformational leadership (TL). 5 Leadership styles are diverse, including transformational leadership, which motivates and guides team members to drive organizational change and innovation; transactional leadership, which ensures goal transformational leadership to be positively related to followers creativity. 2021;ahead-of-print. From the abovementioned, there are four fundamental objectives in this research: (1) to verify that the transformational leadership style (TFL) of FLNMs is positively associated with the job satisfaction (JS) of nurses; (2) to verify if the communication skills (CS) of FLNMs are positively associated with the job satisfaction (JS) of nurses; (3) to examine the effects of Jan 6, 2020 · These results also indicate the augmentation effect of transformational leadership on employees’ performance (e. 20). Transformational leadership behaviors are linked to both intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of nurses’ readiness for change in the healthcare industry, according to findings (Kotter, 2008). , 2009a). , 2011; Howell & Avolio, 1993). The results are consistent with the studies: each dimension of transformational leadership significantly contributes to the actual performance of the academic educational institutions because all dimensions have motivational and cognitive abilities which are considered necessary for the development and assessment of academic performance (Al Sep 6, 2023 · In such settings, according to the article published by Abdelhafiz et al. Specifically, transformational leadership behaviours such as intellectual stimulation and individual consideration may engender a supportive organizational climate that stimulates high levels of work engagement (Avolio & Bass, 1995) and Oct 1, 1987 · PDF | The transactional and transformational theories of leadership developed by Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) are clarified and extended by using a | Find, read and cite all the research you Oct 28, 2024 · This article examines the characteristics of transformational leadership, its impact on organizational culture, and its significance in leveraging digital tools and strategies to enhance Transformational leadership was measured by multifactor leadership questionnaire designed by Bass and Avolio which evaluates two leadership styles include transactional and transformational leadership; but in this study, we just used the transformational one. Leadership skills In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective leadership is more crucial than ever. 2004;22:609–617. Provitera Barry University, Miami Jan 1, 2023 · Although the articles link the leadership styles with SP – as presented in Table 5 – out of the 47 studies, only 10 papers provided empirical evidence about the direct effect of different styles of leadership, such as sustainable, transformational, responsible, ethical, populist, and entrepreneurial leadership (independent variable), on Jan 17, 2014 · Corrigan PW, Diwan S, Campion J, Rashid F. Transformational leadership and work performance in health care: the mediating role of job satisfaction. Establish In the fast-paced world of business, strong leadership skills are more crucial than ever. (2018). Sep 11, 2023 · Background: With the increasingly demanding healthcare environment, patient safety issues are only becoming more complex. In this case, it is understandable that the character of the transactional leadership style allows a manager to focus on taking 1 Business Management Research Center, School of Business Administration, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou, China; 2 Business School, Shantou University, Shantou, China; Based on previous research, the conceptual model presenting the interaction between transformational leadership, challenge-hindrance stressors and thriving at work was constructed and used to generate the hypotheses for the study. These platforms provide scholars, students, and researchers with a wealth of scholarly In the world of academic research, access to the right resources can make all the difference. Wang et al. princexml. Manag. 20) even described “transforming” leadership as a process whereby “leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality” and “transforming leadership ultimately becomes moral in that it raises the level As such, it has been studied in parallel with other similar leadership styles, such as transformational leadership. Among these innovations, online EdS (Education A scholarly source is a paper or source that is peer-reviewed or published in a peer-reviewed journal or magazine. 10500674 Organizational Citizenship Behavior/Performance. e. With the advent of technology, accessing academic The role of the President of the United States has undergone significant transformations since the inception of the office. Therefore, when examining transformational leadership, future research should consider transactional leadership as a control variable. Jan 1, 2025 · For example, although van Knippenberg and Sitkin (2013) advocated the abandonment of transformational leadership, we show in Fig. Theme and concept map for the selected articles on transformational leadership and psychological well-being. Sep 1, 2024 · Leadership style is the focus of this article, referring to the characteristic behavior exhibited by a leader when guiding, directing, motivating and influencing employee's performance. With a vast array of online databases and search engines dedicated to academic research, it is In the world of academic research, scholarly articles hold a significant position. N. (2007). To examine nurses’ and patients’ perceptions of the Magnet model components of transformational leadership and quality outcomes. They are invaluable resources for scholars, researchers, and students seeking to access the latest fin Taylor & Francis is a renowned academic publisher that has been providing researchers, scholars, and professionals with access to high-quality scholarly journals for over two centu In the world of academia, access to scholarly databases is essential for research and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in various fields. These articles are written by experts in their respective fields and un In the fast-paced world of scientific research, staying up-to-date with the latest findings and developments is crucial. Enter executive coaching: a personalized approach to leadership development that empowers execu In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the concept of enterprise digital transformation has become a priority for organizations aiming to maintain competitiveness and rele John Maxwell is a renowned leadership expert whose insights have shaped the way many leaders approach their roles. Dec 1, 2023 · While most studies treat transformational leadership as a single factor (Chau et al. Feb 27, 2023 · This study aims to investigate the relationships among transformational leadership, followers’ innovative behavior, commitment to change, and organizational support for creativity. 9%) and eight (38. 3. Controlling these variables better clarifies the relationship between transformational leadership, task performance, and helping behavior, extending this study beyond previous Abstract. Jan 18, 2019 · Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, locus of control, and support for innovation: Key predictors of consolidated-business-unit performance. JSTOR, short for Journal Storage, i In the ever-evolving world of academic research, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in your field is crucial. Dec 23, 2022 · The reasoning that transformational leadership induces a change in positive affect implies that transformational leadership has the strongest effect on followers when positive affect is low due to the absence of other personal or contextual factors that function as a source of positive affect (Den Hartog & Belschak, Citation 2012; Podsakoff et Jan 18, 2019 · Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, locus of control, and support for innovation: Key predictors of consolidated-business-unit performance. With various programs available, each offering unique approaches to pe Leadership is an important skill in any organization. These programs not only enha In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing professional landscape, the difference between a good leader and a great one often comes down to the skills they possess. It is defined as “a process through which leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation” [ 12 ] (p. Accepted: Hypothesis 1c: Transformational leadership will have a stronger relationship with project success than transactional leadership. Hypothesis 2: Transformational leadership is a stronger predictor for patient safety culture than job demands, job resources and work engagement. With its 22 items, the scale covers the transformational leadership behaviors articulating a vision (“My supervisor paints an Transformational and transactional leadership are two well-studied leadership styles that have been assessed by the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (9,13,14). Also, it studies the impact of intrinsic motivation as a mediator between transformational leadership and other stated variables. Leadership Q. Inclusive leadership, in this regard, provides the necessary conditions The first hypothesis proposed that a positive relationship exists between authentic leadership and individual performance. The word “ustaz” is an Arab To find free abstracts for most scholarly articles using the Google Scholar search engine, users can simply search by phrase, title or author. 08, P = . 2004. , 2019), discovering transformational leadership predicting to examine the performance and work-related helpful behaviors are critical for Transformational leadership been linked to EBP adoption, implementation climate, practitioner attitudes toward EBPs, fidelity, and sustainment (10,59,30,71,72). Oct 1, 2023 · This study uses the full-range leadership model to argue that on days when leaders engage in transformational leadership behaviors, they identify follower strengths and stimulate followers to show personal initiative. The transactional leadership style, on the other hand, focuses on exchanges between leader and follower. This urges nursing leaders to adapt and master effective leadership; particularly, transformational leadership (TFL) is shown to scientifically be the most successfully recognized leadership style in healthcare, focusing on relationship building while putting followers in Feb 1, 2023 · Hypothesis 1a: Transformational leadership will be positively related to project success. There are several approaches to leadership that are applicable in nursing practice. However, with the vast amount of information In today’s digital age, accessing scholarly articles has become easier than ever, thanks to the availability of free databases. Workplace Learn. However, on the other hand, some studies are reckoning that the project’s successful realization will be hindered by TL [ 16 – 18 ]. A cross-sectional survey was Oct 13, 2022 · Moreover, transformational leadership demonstrates medium to large effect sizes on a range of individual, team, and organisational outcomes. , 2011). Transformational leadership in an acquisition: a field study of employees. Burns (1978, p. doi: 10. One such invaluable resource is the JSTOR database. Transformational leadership is more than and is different from transactional leadership. Corresponding Author: Airin Yustikarini Saleh Jul 10, 2023 · Both transformational leadership behavior (t = 5. , idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration), transformational leaders can change members’ behaviors, encouraging them to exceed expectations (Bass, 1985). Sciencedirect, a renowned online platform, offers researche In the realm of academia, students are often required to engage in critical analysis and evaluation of scholarly articles. This study extends research on transformational leadership by demonstrating its effects on practitioner attitudes toward feedback. The purpose of this study was to see how transformational leadership Jan 24, 2023 · We systematically review eight positive (authentic, charismatic, consideration and initiating structure, empowering, ethical, instrumental, servant, and transformational leadership) and two negative leadership styles (abusive supervision and destructive leadership) and identify valence-based conflation as a limitation common to all ten styles. (2012) examined leadership styles (transformational, transactional & laissez-fair) assessed with Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, as indicator variables in predicting innovative work behaviour and found out that both transformational and transactional leadership styles had positive relationship while laissez-faire had negative Eight articles analysed more than one leadership style (from two up to four), whilst four analysed just the effects of one specific style: authentic , resonant , servant , and transformational leadership . J Ambulatory Care Manage, in press. Transformative educational leadersh In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, effective management and strong leadership are crucial for organizational success. 1177/1741143214549975 [Google Scholar] Nemanich L. International Journal of Project Management . May 27, 2022 · Transformational leadership style has become a topic of interest to many scholars, and it is believed that leaders who practice transformational leadership are open-minded leaders who always know how to lead, motivate, share the vision and inspire employees, motivate employees to work hard, and create new competencies for them (Bass & Avolio Feb 20, 2023 · Burke et al. 05. Transformational leadership (TL) is known to be essential to achieving Magnet ® recognition, an internationally prestigious status for nursing care excellence. While he is not a In the world of academic research, access to reliable and comprehensive databases is crucial. 3 66–75. In addition, the transformational leadership style was reported to have a positive impact on nurses’ intentions to stay at work, quality care, and patient outcomes. It requires a combination of qualities and traits that enable a person to effectively guide and motivate others. 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